

Townsend, Camilla and Josh Anthony, editors. After the Broken Spears: The Aztecs in the Wake of Conquest. New York: Oxford University Press, forthcoming January 2025.

Anthony, Josh. “A Quarrel Between Brothers, 1537.” In After the Broken Spears: The Aztecs in the Wake of Conquest, edited by Camilla Townsend and Josh Anthony. New York: Oxford University Press, forthcoming January 2025.

Anthony, Josh. Review of El libro de testamentos de Culhuacán: Vida y muerte entre los nahuas del México central, siglo XVI, translated by Miguel León-Portilla and Sarah Cline with the collaboration of Juan Carlos Torres López. Hispanic American Historical Review (2024) 104 (3): 515–516. https://read.dukeupress.edu/hahr/article/104/3/515/386380/El-libro-de-testamentos-de-Culhuacan-Vida-y-muerte?searchresult=1